Artículos de 3 líneas de investigación
- Dialnet Plus: Propuesta para la reutilización agrícola de las cenizas generadas en la obtención de energías renovables a partir de biomasa residual.
- Autores: Maria del Mar Quirantes Lopez
- Directores de la Tesis: Esperanza Romero Taboada (dir. tes.)
, Rogelio Nogales Vargas-Machuca (dir. tes.)
- Lectura: En la Universidad de Granada ( España ) en 2015
- Idioma: español
- Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Juan Manuel Martín García (presid.)
, Francisco Jose Martin Peinado (secret.)
, C. R. Rodríguez Pleguezuelo (voc.)
, Beatriz Omil Ignacio (voc.)
, Laura Delgado Moreno (voc.)
- Open Thesis: Local Government Recycling Program Attributes Associated with Recyclable Material Recovery
This study was designed to describe the relationship between specific local government solid waste and recycling program attributes and recyclable material recovery. The characteristics of solid waste and recycling programs vary greatly across North Carolina, achieving variable levels of recyclable material recovery rates. Given that solid waste disposal is increasing at a significant rate in North Carolina and approximately 20 years of landfill space remain in the state’s landfills, solid waste directors and recycling coordinators face an enormous amount of pressure to divert as much materials as possible to recycling programs. Through a survey of North Carolina solid waste and recycling program managers, this study collected vital data regarding characteristics of waste and recycling collection programs including pickup frequencies, weekly waste and recycling collection capacities, recycling separation requirements, and other variables presumed to be related to recyclable material recovery rates. Using correlation analyses and significance tests, the study revealed which solid waste and recycling program characteristics are most closely related to recyclable materials recovery. The study showed the three variables most closely related to recyclable materials recovery are recycling pickup frequency, separation methods and provision of recycling equipment. Solid waste and recycling program managers interested in maximizing recyclable material recovery rates should evaluate these three program attributes first to determine if improvements could be made. Recycling pickup frequency should be maximized, separation methods should be minimized and local governments should increase convenience for residents to obtain recycling bins or carts.
- Renati: Influencia de un modelo de implantación de sistemas de planeación de recursos empresariales en la gestión del conocimiento de una empresa corporativa de Trujillo.
This work aims to propose and analyze an implementation model of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, filled with activities of knowledge management, in order to exploit the situation for implementing the benefit of including the elementary principles of the first one into the second one, in favor of the corporate enterprise under study . The interest was focused on finding the synergy between two forces, one from the technology and the other one from the management, to produce in the company, cultural openness regarding the creation, storage, dissemination and use of its intangible most valuable resource named “knowledge.” The study takes advantage of the situation of implementing an ERP system in Trujillo Corporation, following the model of the Spanish company IBdos to incorporate in it, aspects of knowledge management methodology proposed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) resulting in a hybrid that takes advantage of resources, and grow activities of knowledge management. The result was able to demonstrate a positive change in the organization in relation to the management of knowledge; as evidenced through the variables: cultural change with regard to knowledge management, development of skills in employees to create and manage knowledge, and development of an internal methodology to facilitate knowledge management. Finally, we measured the degree of maturity of the organization with regard to knowledge management before and after the process of the ERP system, implementation, concluding that the improvement in corporate performance is low.
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